What exercises can be done with Forbrain ?
Forbrain headphones are designed to improve various cognitive and language skills. Here are some exercises you can do with Forbrain to maximize the benefits:
- Reading books or articles | Read aloud to improve pronunciation, fluency and comprehension. You can choose books, newspaper articles, or any text that interests you
- Repetitive reading | Repeat reading a passage several times to improve familiarity with the words and fluency of speech
- Tongue twister | Practice tongue twisters to improve pronunciation accuracy and articulation. For example, "Apelles son of Apollo made a ball of chicken skin"
- Repetition of complex sentences | Repeat more complex sentences slowly, focusing on the correct pronunciation of each word
- Dialogues | Engage your child in conversations about topics of interest. Encourage the use of headphones during these conversations to improve listening and responding skills
- Description of images | Look at images or photographs together and describe them in detail, thus improving vocabulary and descriptive skills
- Poems and speeches | Memorize and recite poems, pieces of prose, or speeches. This helps improve memory and speech fluency
- Songs | Sing songs along with the lyrics, which can help with intonation and rhythm
- Word repetition | Listen to a list of words or phrases and repeat them. This exercise helps improve auditory memory and reproduction ability
- Dictation | Listen to a person read a text and write it down, improving spelling and active listening skills
- Riddles | Solve riddles or word games to improve critical thinking and vocabulary
- Role Playing Games | Participate in role-playing games where the child must use their imagination and language skills to role-play different characters and situations
- Repetition of lessons | Repeat aloud lessons or notes taken during school lessons. This helps consolidate the information learned
- Preparing presentations | Prepare and practice oral presentations, thus improving public communication skills
To obtain results you need consistency, which is why we recommend starting with 10-15 minute sessions, then moving on to 30 minute sessions, also using it during daily activities. By experimenting with these exercises, you can make the most of Forbrain headphones to improve cognitive and linguistic skills in a fun and engaging way.