1 – Introduction

The business relationships between IPMShop S.r.l. and customers are governed exclusively by the following general conditions of sale, excluding any other agreement, unless agreed in writing; even placing an order online implies full acceptance of the following conditions. The contract ends with confirmation by IPMShop S.r.l. of the order issued by the customer in writing.

2 – Customers

IPMShop S.r.l. sells on the website www.ipmshop.it to users after registration or through the "guest checkout" procedure, which allows you to create a temporary customer record necessary only for registration of the order.

3 – Responsibility

IPMShop S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage or loss, direct and/or indirect, deriving from the sale of goods and services offered in the catalog published on the site www.ipmshop.it, even for delayed and/or non-delivery of the product, nor for the correspondence of the goods to the specifications published on the site, nor for any other fact not directly attributable to IPMShop S.r.l.

4 – Technical Information

The technical information included in the website www.ipmshop.it, are obtained from the information published by the manufacturers of the goods included in our catalogue. IPMShop S.r.l., therefore, reserves the right to modify/adapt the technical and dimensional information of the products in the catalogue, even without any prior notice, based on what will be communicated by the producers.

5 – Orders

Orders are accepted only and exclusively if sent in written by fax/post/e-mail (so-called "non-IT", managed with the support of staff), or via the Internet (so-called "online"), or received in electronic form. The customer who sends the order "online", at the end of the procedure, will receive a confirmation communication via electronic mail (e-mail), certifying receipt of the order. For orders received electronically, the methods of acceptance and confirmation of the same will be agreed with each customer.

6 – Prices

The sales price is that indicated in the certificate of receipt of the order.

Prices and discounts may be changed at any time, without notice. In the sale of goods to customers of S. Marino in the San Marino territory, in compliance with the Ministerial Decree 24.12.1993, the return to the office is mandatory company of IPMShop S.r.l., a copy of the invoice duly endorsed by the San Marino Tax Office within 4 months of the sale of the goods. Having received nothing, the event will be reported to the competent authority based on the same legislation. IPMShop S.r.l. reserves the right to change prices at any time, without notice. In the event that an incorrect price is published, because it is lower than the correct price by more than or equal to 50% and/or to an extent that is in any case recognizable and/or to a clearly negligible extent, for any reason (error in our systems, error human, etc.), the order may be cancelled, even in the case of initial validation and the product will not be delivered, unless the orderer decides to proceed with the order anyway and accepts payment of the correct price.

7 – Product Availability

We specify that the user action of adding a or more products in your cart, does not imply the reservation of the products in question. This means that, when the user adds them to their cart, the products are in no way "blocked" or "reserved" for it. Therefore, if user "A" were to add a product to his cart and in the meantime another user "B" were to finalize an order for the same product, causing the stock of that product to drop to zero, this would make it impossible to part of user "A" to purchase the product that he had added to his cart, as user "A" had only added the product to the cart, but had not finalized the order.

8 – New, Ex-Demo or used products

IPMShop S.r.l. markets New, Ex-Demo, Refurbished, Used or end-of-life goods with the exception of food products. The products could be subjected to sample quality and control tests before delivery to the customer.

8.1 – Pre-Order

For certain products present on the site and reported there in promotion , it will be possible to make a "Pre-Order", i.e. a reservation of the product before it is actually available for purchase. For shipping methods, these are described in point 9 - Transport, Risk and Change of Ownership.

The Pre-Order will guarantee the Customer advantages special conditions of purchase, specified from time to time in the relevant promotion. For each good that will benefit from the Pre-Order advantages, the final date by which it must be shipped by IPMShop is indicated in the respective descriptive sheet. This term is very important as it allows the customer to know the maximum time within which the product will be shipped and on the other hand it becomes the commitment on the part of IPMShop to fully refund the amount already paid by the Customer , if it is not possible to meet this deadline.

The Customer has the right to reconsider after having placed the Pre-Order, with the condition that the same is exercised and no later than seven (7) days from the issue of the same. To benefit from it, the Customer must communicate in writing only through the official e-mail channels of IPMShop: inbox (e-commerce@ipmshop.it) or pec (amministrazione@pec.ipmshop.it), attaching a copy of the Pre-Order in such a way that the Customer's details and the number and date are unequivocally recognisable.of the Pre-Order.

For the refund methods, these are better described in point 21 - Refund Method.

8.2 – Sale of products not immediately available in stock

IPMShop S.r.l. also markets products that are not immediately available in its warehouse, for which delivery times will be longer than other products on sale (please refer to the delivery times specifically indicated in the product sheet ).

8.3 – Specifications on the services offered

Telephone support service
In relation to the telephone assistance service, which can be purchased directly on this site, we specify the following:

Recontact by IPMShop Srl may take place up to a maximum of 3 times (in case of no response from the customer) and until the time for which assistance was paid is exhausted. Beyond this time, you will need to purchase new tickets. In case of no response, IPMShop Srl will retain the amount and no assistance will be due. Right of withdrawal not applicable for this service.

9 – Transport, Risk and Transfer of Ownership

Shipping takes place via carriers chosen by IPMShop S.r.l. or by another entity on behalf of the latter and is carried out carriage paid with the costs charged to the customer on the invoice. The goods travel at the Customer's risk, nothing can be attributed to IPMShop S.r.l.

The delivery of orders takes place throughout Italy and Europe and the delivery times specified for each means of shipping are to be understood as starting from the date of delivery of the goods to the carrier in charge of the shipment, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, it will take place during office hours (from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 18.00) on non-holidays and from Monday to Friday. Therefore, the period from the moment the order is placed by the customer until the moment in which IPMShop S.r.l. physically delivers the goods to the courier is not considered in the calculation of delivery times.

We remind you that IPMShop S.r.l. reserves the right to ship the goods only after the total amount of the order has been credited to your bank account. Before the shipping process is started, it will therefore be necessary to wait for the technical times relating to the payment method chosen during the order phase: for example, in the case of payment by bank transfer, it will be necessary to consider the period that elapses from the moment in which the bank transfer is arranged by the customer at the moment in which the money will actually be credited to IPMShop S.r.l.

At the time of delivery of the goods, the customer must verify the integrity of the packages and the quantitative and qualitative correspondence with what is indicated in the DDT. In the event of a discrepancy, it must be reported on the same accompanying document and confirmed within eight calendar days via email to the sales representative of IPMShop S.r.l. with registered mail a.r. or PEC (in case of hidden defects resulting from transport). Even in the presence of intact packaging, the goods must be checked within eight calendar days of receipt. Any anomalies resulting from transport damage must be reported in writing by registered mail. to the carrier and in copy to IPMShop S.r.l. within 8 calendar days of receipt. Any report beyond the aforementioned deadlines will not be taken into consideration and will not be effective. For each declaration, the customer assumes full responsibility for what is declared.

NOTICE: Following the current situation in Italy and Europe, deliveries may be suspended or delayed in some geographical areas.

9.1 – Insured Shipping

In this regard, we point out the possibility of selecting in phase of the order the appropriate box to purchase shipping insurance, to be protected in the event of theft, loss or damage to the goods by the courier.

The cost of insured shipping, once selected in checkout phase, it varies based on the value of the goods purchased and is immediately calculated and specified as a separate item in the cart.

The insurance covers up to 100% the value of the order which, in the event of loss or damage by the courier, will be returned to the Customer without any additional cost. The shipment of further goods to the Customer following the loss/damage of the goods will also be insured.

The damaged goods that need to be replaced following insurance, it will be returned at the Customer's expense to the address that will be communicated via email to the Customer who will request replacement.

The replacement goods will be shipped only and exclusively following receipt of the goods for which the exchange was requested. The purchased goods must be returned in full: if part of the goods is missing or if retained by the Customer, the latter will be charged to the Customer for the value of the entire order. The Customer will therefore be able to receive the new goods only after the return of all the previously purchased goods, otherwise he will be able to obtain the returned order, in the conditions in which it was returned, upon payment of the shipping costs (at his discretion, with or without insurance).

9.2 – Shipments involving export

Any customs costs, where applicable, will be applicable from carrier or customs of the country where you want to import a product. These costs are always to be paid by the buyer. The products depart from Italian territory, unless otherwise communicated on the product page or during checkout. The buyer is responsible for verifying any costs and their payment provided that no different agreements have been made with IPMShop Srl via the email e-commerce@ipmshop.it.

Any refusals to pay customs duties for imports, will be reason for return to sender and refusal of shipment. Any customs costs, if applied by the carrier or customs for the return to the sender, will be payable by the buyer to IPMShop Srl, which will advance these costs to avoid inventory and additional costs. The payment method for additional costs will be in the form of a deduction from the refund of the order or, if not possible or otherwise agreed, to be paid by bank transfer or other method indicated and agreed with IPMShop Srl through the email address e-commerce@ ipmshop.it. Any costs for a new shipment will be borne by the buyer and due to IPMShop Srl through the agreed payment method.

10 – Payments

The goods supplied must be paid for upon order by bank transfer irrevocable banking or other circuits indicated on the site, unless different conditions which must be agreed in writing with IPMShop S.r.l.

IPMShop S.r.l. reserves, at its sole discretion, the right not to proceed with the shipment of the goods, even after accepting the order, to those customers who are "out of credit ", or with "unpaid" or, in "dispute" or with non-irrevocable and/or unconfirmed bank transfer.

11 – Order cancellation

The Customer may request from IPMShop S.r.l. the total or partial cancellation of the order, before it is processed and shipped (and before the shipment of the order has been booked), only in writing and only through the official e-mail channels of IPMShop: mailbox (e-commerce@ipmshop.it) or certified e-mail (amministrazione@pec.ipmshop.it), attaching a copy of the order /Pre-Order in such a way that the customer's details and the amount are unequivocally recognisable, indicating the reasons in detail.

IPMShop S.r.l. reserves the right acceptance of the cancellation of the same and may withhold as administrative management of the practice, the value equal to 10% of the total order.

For the refund methods, these are better described in point 21 - Refund Policy.

12 – Complaints and Returns of Goods

Customers will be able to make any COMPLAINTS in relation to the purchase carried out in written form only through the official e-mail channels of IPMShop: inbox (e-commerce@ipmshop.it) or pec (amministrazione@pec.ipmshop.it), attaching a copy of the order/Pre-Order in such a way that the customer's details and the amount are unequivocally recognisable, indicating in detail the reasons for the complaint, for example "errors of shipments or lack of material".

Once the fault, defect, etc. has been reported, the goods, in order to be valid as a guarantee or for the right of withdrawal, must reach IPMShop S.r.l. no later than 30 days from the date the problem was reported. The customer is responsible for shipping and delivery to IPMShop S.r.l. by the courier. We recommend using insured shipping for returns.

IPMShop S.r.l. cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any type of loss or damage, direct or indirect, whatever the cause. The Customer will never be able to claim, for any reason, to benefit from a discount on the total cost of the corresponding invoicesto an incomplete delivery or delivery relating to defective products, without prejudice to what is better detailed in point 18 – Right of Withdrawal.

The return of goods to IPMShop S.r.l., after having expressed a formal written complaint and having obtained authorization to send, it must be addressed to the following address:

IPMShop S.r.l. c/o IdeaPM S.r.l., via G. Giusti n. 6 20090 Cesano Boscone (MI)

For each return it will be retained as Administrative Management of practice, the value equal to 10% of the order total.

The goods to be returned must be in perfect condition, in The original packaging, complete in all its parts (for example accessories and additional components) and shipped carriage paid to our warehouse, quoting the assigned return number on the document. If the goods are not returned in the requested manner and time, a refund will not be issued.

For the refund methods, these are better described in point 21 - Refund Policy.

Please note that shipping for each order placed can be insured at the customer's discretion in CheckOut phase. When the shipment is insured, the customer will receive a refund or replacement of the goods. However, if the shipment does not arrive due to loss or arrives damaged or with missing parts due to logistics problems, the customer will be responsible for the uninsured shipment. In these cases it will not be possible to offer either a refund of the shipping costs incurred or a replacement of the returned goods.

13 – Guarantees

The purchase made at IPMShop S.r.l., involves full acceptance of the warranty conditions provided by the manufacturer, which are independent of the will of the same IPMShop S.r.l. The customer, therefore, is aware that the goods purchased will be guaranteed by the manufacturer and under the conditions provided by the same, and therefore accepts, with all reservations removed, all the methods of provision of the manufacturer's warranty, also with reference, purely by way of example, of the entity managing the guarantee also different from IPMShop S.r.l.

The products marketed by IPMShop S.r.l. to end consumers, as required by current legislation, will benefit from a 2-year warranty if products can be reordered from our supplier or from 1 year if used, ex-demo, end-of-life products, i.e. no longer reorderable from our supplier.

The products marketed by IPMShop S.r.l. to subjects with a VAT number, as required by current legislation, will benefit from a guarantee equal to 1 year only if products can be reordered from our supplier.

Products under warranty must be sent to IPMShop S.r.l., which will check the product in question, repairing or replacing it, if the problem that has occurred is covered by the warranty . If the good can no longer be ordered, a credit note will be issued to the Customer that can be spent within 12 months on the site www.ipmshop.it; After this period, this title will become null and void. The costs for returning the product(s) are all borne by the customer.

For any type of information regarding the After-Sales Service, you can contact IPMShop S.r.l. from Monday to Friday through the appropriate online form.

The guarantees of the products sold by IPMShop S.r.l. do not cover:

• The replacement of consumables (batteries, light bulbs, fuses, antennas, headphones, microphones, damage to the reading or recording headsand, food, etc.);
• Software and licenses, including Cryptophone systems;
• Abnormal or non-compliant use of the products.

Customers are asked to carefully consult the instruction manual attached to each product, faults caused by accessories (power cables, etc.), faults (and subsequent consequences) due to the intervention of a repairer not authorized by IPMShop S.r.l., failures (and subsequent consequences) due to non-compliant use of the product (professional, collective use, etc.), failures (and subsequent consequences) due to external causes.

Attention: the warranty does not apply to repairs of damage caused by a cause external to the product (for example: accidents, shocks, lightning, power surges, etc.) or by a customer error (such as, for example, the use of an installation that does not comply with the manufacturer's specifications, use of the product that is harmful to it, use of the product for commercial or collective purposes, use of unsuitable peripherals and/or accessories and/or consumer products) . In any case, IPMShop S.r.l. cannot be held responsible for any refusal by the manufacturer to apply the guarantee.

In the event in which the repairs are not covered by the warranty, the manufacturer will establish a quote for them.  Administrative costs will be requested by the manufacturer in case of refusal to pay the estimate. In case of agreement, the customer will have to make a bank transfer, equal to the total of the estimate, to the order of IPMShop S.r.l.

14 – Processing of Personal Data

Pursuant to Legislative Decree of 25 May 2016, n . 679, the customer acknowledges that "personal data" communicated and/or exchanged, even during the pre-contractual information phase, will be processed pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 679/2016 and subsequent amendments and additions to the same Legislative Decree 679/2016. It is also understood that the customer expressly consents to the transfer of "personal data" pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 44 of Legislative Decree 679/2016 and, in any case, to their communication and dissemination.

15 – Miscellaneous Provisions

Each Party declares to be aware of the provisions set out in D .Lgs. 231/2001 (the Decree) and to undertake to base its behavior, aimed at implementing the contract, on principles of transparency and correctness. Each Party declares to have adopted and effectively implemented company procedures and behavioral rules suitable for preventing the commission of the crimes provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2001 and undertakes to keep all of them effectively implemented for the entire duration of the contractual relationship.
The customer acknowledges that IPMShop S.r.l has adopted a Code of Ethics and an Organizational Model in compliance with the principles set out in Legislative Decree 231/2001.
The customer undertakes to respect the principles and rules of conduct contained and referred to in the Code of Ethics, as applicable to it. Failure to comply, even partially, with this obligation constitutes a serious breach of the obligations set out in the contract which legitimizes the suspension of the execution of the contract or in the most serious cases the termination of the same with immediate effect, pursuant to and for the purposes of which to the art. 1456 of the Civil Code, without prejudice to compensation for any damage caused such as, by way of example but not limited to, those deriving from the application to IPMShop S.r.l of the sanctions provided for by the aforementioned Legislative Decree 231/2001. The list of crimes referred to in Legislative Decree 231/2001 is exhaustive but could be expanded in the future and this clause will be considered automatically extended to all crimes contemplated in the Decree introduced even after the date of signing of the contract.

16 – Disputes and Liability

In case it is not possible to deduce a possible dispute, between one or more Customers on the one hand and IPMShop S.r.l on the other, in a consensual manner, such dispute will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Milan. Some products may be subject to "strategic products" regulations. These products may only be exported after express authorization by IPMShop S.r.l.

17 – Conditions

The conditions contained in this document may be modified, without any notice and will be valid from the date of publication on the website www.ipmshop.it.

18 – Right of Withdrawal

The Right of Withdrawal is applicable to all goods/ products as regulated by the Consumer Code, in art. 59.

In the categorization indicated by the law we find, by way of example and not exhaustive:

• The supply of personalized or tailor-made goods;

• The supply of perishable goods;

• The supply of sealed goods which, for safety or health reasons, are not suitable for return after opening;

• The supply of alcoholic beverages whose agreed price is linked to market fluctuations and whose delivery cannot take place before 30 days;

• The supply of newspapers, magazines and periodicals;

• The supply of video/audio/software delivered sealed and which has been opened;

• Contracts in which the consumer has specifically requested a visit by the professional for the purpose of carrying out repair or maintenance work.

In such cases, imperatives, expressly codified and not susceptible of analogue expansion or modification by the professional or the parties, the seller has the right to refuse the return of the product and deny the reimbursement of the price paid only if, in a timely manner pursuant to art. 49, has indicated in the general conditions for which products the option referred to in the art. is excluded. 54.

Customers are therefore invited to verify that the products purchased do not belong to the following product types:

• Disposable and non-disposable masks;
• Headphones;
• Forbrain and Soundsory;
• Transcutaneous bilirubinometer (Drager JM-105).

To exercise this right, no later beyond 14 days, with respect to a purchase made through the website www.ipmshop.it, the Customer must communicate in writing only through the official e-mail channels of IPMShop : mailbox (e-commerce@ipmshop.it) or certified e-mail (amministrazione@pec.ipmshop.it), attaching a copy of the order so such that the customer's details and the order number and date are unequivocally recognisable.

IPMShop will reserve the right to verify the integrity of the goods, which must be sent at the care and responsibility of the Customer within the aforementioned 14-day period to the following address:

IPMShop S.r.l. c/o IdeaPM via Giusti 6, 20090 Cesano Boscone (MI)

The refund will therefore be subject to receipt of the goods, within the times indicated and in the state in which they were sent by IPMShop, therefore intact in every component, including external packaging.

For the refund methods, these are better described in point 21 - Refund Policy.

Please note: The right of withdrawal is excluded for all business customers, i.e. for all customers who specify a number of VAT number in your profile on the site.

19 – Current promos and active discount codes on the site

This paragraph describes the conditions of the promos and discount codes (coupons) active on IPMShop.it.

N.B.: promos and coupons that have been reserved for a specific customer, following commercial agreements or initiatives taken personally between IPMShop and the customer concerned. For the conditions of these reserved discounts, please refer to the communication between the parties at the time of the agreement or contact us at e-commerce@ipmshop.it.

Coupons currently active on the site:

There are currently no active promotions on the site.

20 – Delivery and payment information

We only ship to Italy and Europe. If you wish to receive our products in other geographical areas, please contact us at e-commerce@ipmshop.it, providing us with information on the items to be shipped and the destination address, and we will send you, in a short time, an estimate of shipping costs.

20.1 Payment
Orders placed on the site can be paid by irrevocable bank transfer or by other payment circuits that can be selected at checkout. We invite you to refer to the specific contractual terms and conditions of each payment method or providerservice to obtain more information on them.

As regards the bank transfer, once the order you will have to transfer the entire amount via your bank account. We ask you to send proof of the bank transfer to our email address e-commerce@ipmshop.it referring to the order. Processing of the order will only begin after receipt of the bank transfer.

In case of payment by bank transfer, starting from order date, payment must be made within 7 days. Otherwise, the order will be cancelled. In the event that the buyer orders payment by bank transfer after 7 days, he will be deducted €5 + 1% of the order, as expenses reimbursement incurred by IPMShop.

20.2 Confirmation of the order and Invoicing
After submitting your order on ipmshop.it, you an order confirmation email will be sent. We inform you that this email will also be considered valid as Payment Consideration.

If you would like to receive the Invoice for your order, you are required to notify us by replying to the order confirmation email, within 7 days of receiving the aforementioned email.

In case a VAT number is specified at the time of ordering or in your customer profile on ipmshop.it, you will automatically receive the invoice for your order as soon as the payment is processed.

We also remind you that , pursuant to art. 21 Presidential Decree 633/72 and in compliance with the legislation on Electronic Invoicing, an Invoice with tax value (in XML format) will be regularly sent to the Revenue Agency (SdI) portal. This Invoice will be made available in your reserved area on the Revenue Agency website.

20.3 Processing of the order
We will process your order within 3 working days of receiving payment, within the limits of stock availability. In the event that one or more items are not immediately available, we will inform you as soon as possible and we will agree with you on the possibility of a partial shipment.

20.4 Shipping
Once payment has been received, we will entrust your goods to the Courier, whose approximate delivery times are from 1 to 7 working days after collection, in most Italian locations. For delivery times you will not have to consider Saturdays and holidays. Any delays experienced by the courier during transport are not our responsibility and cannot constitute grounds for withdrawal or give the right to compensation. We further take this opportunity to underline what is expressed in point 8.2, i.e. that some products (identifiable by specific wording clearly visible within their product data sheet), will have different delivery times: reference must therefore be made to those delivery times for those specific products.

We also remind you that the goods will be shipped only following the actual crediting of the total amount of the order to our bank account (the technical times depend on the payment method chosen at the time of the order).

20.5 Delivery
Delivery will be made during office hours, to the address you indicated in the order form: as it is not possible to agree with the Courier Once you have given a precise delivery time, we recommend using an address where someone is always present for collection. Remember to accurately indicate both the house number and the postal code of your area and that the name you indicate must always coincide with the name or number shown on the intercom. When you collect the goods, always check that the number of packages shown on the transport document coincides with those ordered and that the packages delivered to you are intact.

20.6 Failure to collect
If, however, you or your representative were absent at the time of delivery, the Express Courier will leave a notice of failed delivery through which you can request free redelivery of the shipment, according to the methods indicated in the notice, within the following 3 days. If the goods are not collected even on the second pass, the Express Courier will keep the goods in stock at its warehouse for three days. We hope that you will collect the goods: otherwise, we will be forced, with regret, to charge you the additional costs for failure to collect the shipment.

20.7 Assistance
For any inconvenience relating to your shipments, you can contact our assistance service (e-commerce@ipmshop.it), which will help you troubleshoot.

20.8 Pick up on site
This method is available during CheckOut by selecting "Collect on site" among the available shipping methods.

Once your order has been prepared and is ready for collection, you will receive a confirmation email and the relevant order status will be appropriately updated.

From receipt of the email, the order will be available from the following day for the following 10 working days for collection on your part (exact address and times will then be communicated via email to confirm collection availability).

Exceeded 10 days, if the order is not collected, management costs for non-collection will be charged, which at the discretion of iPMShop Srl may vary from 5% to 20% of the order with a minimum applicable amount of €5 for preparation and disposal of the packaging material used, which will be withheld from the refund amount or be paid according to the payment methods communicated by IPMShop Srl within a maximum of 30 days from the failed collection.

For collection, the compilation of a document (provided by us at our office) where the order reference and the registration/payment email with relative signature will be requested. The document will be provided in copy once signed, as proof of delivery.

With the "Collect on site" shipping method, IPMShop Srl is exempted from any liability due to breakage or otherwise, resulting from transport or for subsequent reports from IPMShop Srl attributable to transport or not visible at the time of collection.

In case of delegation, it will be necessary to send a delegation email in advance to the email address e-commerce@ipmshop.it with the relevant order reference specified, in order to inform IPMShop Srl about delivery management. Furthermore, the delegate's identity document will be essential as an attachment.

21 – Refund Method

The refund methods will be made via the chosen payment platform during the purchase process automatically, within 15 working days from the date of approval of the refund.

In order to be able to refund a customer who has paid by method of Payment "Bank Transfer", the Customer must communicate in writing only through the official e-mail channels of IPMShop: mailbox (e-commerce@ipmshop.it) or pec (amministrazione@pec.ipmshop.it), attaching a copy of the order/Pre-Order in such a way that the customer's details and the amount are unequivocally recognisable, indicating their IBAN and the Account Holder.

22 – Copyright

All material on the site (such as images, descriptions etc.), is an intellectual work and not of IPMShop and is therefore protected by Copyright law.

These conditions were updated on 17th March 2023