
This Soundsory FAQ section offers precise answers to users' questions, the classic "Frequently Asked Questions". Consult the questions in the index to find all the answers in detail.

Soundsory ® is an auditory and motor training program suitable for ages 3 and up that can be useful for different people with various needs and conditions. Here are some categories of pathologies or disorders that can be treated using Soundsory :

  • Learning difficulties | Soundsory can help those with learning disabilities by improving their hearing and motor skills, which are essential for acquiring academic skills
  • People with auditory processing disorders | The program can improve the ability to process and interpret sounds, helping those who have difficulty understanding spoken language in noisy environments
  • People with auditory processing disorders | The program can improve the ability to process and interpret sounds, helping those who have difficulty understanding spoken language in noisy environments
  • Individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders | Children and adults with autism, ADHD or other neurodevelopmental conditions can benefit from improving motor, cognitive and social skills through Soundsory training
  • People with balance and coordination problems | Soundsory combines auditory stimulation and motor exercises that can improve balance and coordination, useful for those who have problems in these areas
  • Adults with neurological conditions | Those suffering from conditions such as dementia or Parkinson's can use Soundsory to maintain and improve cognitive and motor skills
  • People with stress or anxiety | Training with Soundsory can have calming effects and improve emotional regulation, useful for those suffering from stress or anxiety
  • People with stress or anxiety | Training with Soundsory can have calming effects and improve emotional regulation, useful for those suffering from stress or anxiety
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The Soundsory program is structured to last 40 days , during which users are encouraged to dedicate 30 minutes a day to training. The benefits and results may vary depending on individual needs and consistency in use. However, here is a general overview of what to expect:

    1. Short-term results (within the first days or weeks)
  • Some users may notice initial improvements in concentration and listening ability
  • Slight changes in balance and motor coordination may become noticeable
  • Increased calm and reduced anxiety in some people.
  • Medium-term results (within 3-4 weeks)
    • Greater improvements in auditory processing skills and language comprehension
    • Significant progress in motor skills, such as coordination and balance
    • Increased attention span and concentration during daily or school activities
  • Medium-term results (within 3-4 weeks)
    • Consolidation of improvements in cognitive, motor and sensory skills
    • Lasting positive effects on emotional regulation and stress management
    • Potential improvement in social interactions and academic or work skills

    It is important to note that results may vary based on the age of the user , the specificity of their needs and the regularity with which the program is used. Additionally, while some may see significant improvements within the 40-day period, others may take longer or need repeated cycles of the program to achieve desired results.

    To maximize the benefits, it is advisable to follow the program exactly as directed and, if possible, under the supervision of a professional who can monitor progress and adapt training to the user's specific needs.

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    SOUNDSORY® is designed to educate or re-educate the brain to better process sensory information. Once the brain is able to correctly process this information there will be many benefits especially in terms of enhancing cognitive and emotional abilities. The most measurable effects usually occur 2-9 months after completing the program.

    The results obtained with the Soundsory program may vary in terms of duration and permanence, depending on various individual factors and the context in which it is used. Some key points about what to expect regarding the duration of benefits may include:

      1. Persistence of improvements
    • Consolidation | Improvements in cognitive, motor and sensory skills can consolidate and become permanent if training has been regular and long enough
    • Consolidated habits | The new skills acquired through the use of the program, if integrated into daily activities and practiced constantly, tend to remain stable over time
  • Factors that influence the duration of results
    • Continuity of practice | As with any form of training or therapy, continued practice of acquired skills helps maintain results. If the user continues to practice motor exercises and stimulate hearing even after the end of the program, the benefits will be longer lasting
    • Environmental support | A supportive environment that encourages the use of newly acquired skills helps maintain and strengthen achievement
    • Program repetition | In some cases, it may be helpful to repeat the Soundsory program periodically to reinforce the benefits and prevent regression
  • Regression potential
    • Prolonged interruption | If the skills learned are no longer practiced after completion of the program, some of the benefits may diminish over time
    • Changes in personal circumstances | Factors such as significant stress, environmental changes, or other medical conditions may affect how long your results last
  • Recommendations for maintaining results
    • Regular practice | Continue to practice motor and auditory stimulation exercises regularly
    • Professional Support | Follow advice and feedback from therapists or professionals who can monitor your progress and suggest maintenance strategies
    • Stimulating environment | Create an environment that supports the use of newly learned skills, such as regular physical activities and games that stimulate auditory processing

    While the results of Soundsory can be long-lasting, maintaining the skills acquired requires ongoing practice and a supportive environment. Periodically repeating the program or integrating similar exercises into your daily routine can help preserve and enhance long-term benefits.

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    One of the most consistent areas of success with SOUNDSORY® is the reduction of auditory and tactile sensitivity. We generally recommend starting with shorter sessions and gradually increasing them as sensitivity decreases. For some children, it's best to begin the first few sessions in an emotionally safe environment, such as a professional's office. We recommend that you contact one of the Tomatis® Professionals .

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    The SOUNDSORY® multisensory program can be repeated as needed, but we recommend at least 4 weeks break between repetitions. Sometimes “less is more”. The SOUNDSORY® Program consists of the stimulation of the vestibular and auditory systems. This can be taxing on the brain. After a long period of stimulation, time is needed to allow the brain to metabolize these changes.

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    SOUNDSORY® is a safe product specifically designed to support and correct certain disorders. Stimulates the brain naturally with music and movement exercises providing brain stimulation through multi-sensory training. It is possible that you or your child may feel increased emotionality and have some sleep disturbances. You are experiencing what is called “disorganization before reorganization.” It often occurs during periods of rapid growth as the nervous system reorganizes. This is a phase of evolutionary growth. We can often see this struggle for independence emerge as children become more integrated, gain greater awareness of their emotions and their ability to communicate.

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    It is perfectly correct to use SOUNDSORY® with traditional treatments and interventions. We also strongly recommend integrating Forbrain ®, which includes language, into the process, which will strengthen the impact of the sessions. Since SOUNDSORY® is already a listening course, we do not recommend adding other listening programs to your daily sessions.

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    SOUNDSORY® is designed for everyone.

    It is specifically suitable for people with:

    • Motor delays
    • balance and coordination
    • Autism spectrum and developmental problems
    • Sensory and auditory processing disorders

    We do not recommend the use of SOUNDSORY® in the following cases: Parkinson's disease, cerebral convulsions, chronic muscle spasms, tinnitus, Meniere's disease. SOUNDSORY® is not suitable for helping people with emotional difficulties.

    If in doubt, we recommend starting your SOUNDSORY® program under the guidance of a therapist. If for any reason you feel unwell during or after a session, we ask that you stop the program until you feel well.

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    People with hearing loss can benefit from SOUNDSORY® if they have lost no more than 70% on either side or more than 80% on one side.

    Individuals with a cochlear implant should not use Soundsory . If you have external hearing aids, you should remove them during SOUNDSORY® sessions.

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    SOUNDSORY® is a multisensory training program to do at home , which combines sound with movement to simultaneously stimulate the vestibular and auditory systems. The listening sessions are equipped with a unique technology that integrates rhythmic music processed with a dynamic filter and transmitted by bone and air conduction. Body movement exercises focus on developing proprioceptive skills through specific, repetitive movement exercises.

    Used in addition to Forbrain ®, SOUNDSORY® provides comprehensive sensory training. Additionally, it can be done at the same time as other interventions (e.g. tutoring, ABA, counseling). SOUNDSORY® is easy to use and efficient. However, the program cannot be customized for each profile and does not include advanced settings specific to the Tomatis® Method. Once you have completed a full program, we invite you to contact a Tomatis ® Professional to access individualized listening sessions.

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