Safe purchases

On IPMShop you can make a safe purchase as our eCommerce meets the following criteria:

Secure Connection

Sites that use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are considered safe for browsing and identifiable by the prefix present before the site http:// or https:// (Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Secure). There is also a padlock in the address bar that allows you to check the details of the SSL certificate. uses the HTTPS protocol to guarantee maximum encryption of the data exchanged, which is fundamental for the transmission of sensitive data and their security.

Certified partners

Using certified partners who respect the highest security and anti-fraud standards guarantees high security standards, which reduce the possibility of data theft and online fraud. IPMShop does not display or store any payment data. We have consolidated our collaboration with PayPal and Stripe for years in order to provide maximum security and flexibility to our customers.

GDPR regulation

IPMShop complies with the Privacy legislation, EU regulation 2016/679 which became applicable to all EU states from 25 May 2018. This regulation, known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), concerns the protection of natural persons regarding the processing and to the free circulation of your personal data.