What is the difference between Forbrain and Soundsory ?

Forbrain and Soundsory are both tools designed to improve cognitive and sensory skills through the use of music and sound, but they use different approaches and technologies. Here's a comparison between the two:


  1. Technology
  • Bone Transmission | Forbrain uses bone transmission technology to transmit sound through the skull bones directly to the inner ear, bypassing the eardrum. This method allows a clearer and more immediate perception of sound
  • Real-time audio feedback | Forbrain headphones are equipped with a microphone that captures the user's voice in real time. The sound is then filtered and enhanced before being transmitted through the skull bones
  • Usage
    • Independent | Forbrain is a standalone device that does not require sessions supervised by a professional. It can be easily used at home for daily reading, pronunciation and listening exercises
    • Simple exercises | It is ideal for activities such as reading aloud, repeating words and sentences, and other daily language practices
  • Accessibility
    • Easy to use | It requires no specific training to use and can be used by people of all ages
    • Cost | Generally more economically accessible than customized programs


    1. Technology
    • Audio stimulation and vibration | Soundsory combines sound stimuli with body vibrations to stimulate the auditory system and nervous system. Uses in-ear headphones and a wearable device (wearable) to provide multisensory stimulation
    • Rhythmic and modulated music | The Soundsory program includes sessions of listening to music specially designed with specific rhythms and frequencies to stimulate the brain
  • Usage
    • Guided sessions | Soundsory requires sessions guided and supervised by a certified operator. The exercises are structured and personalized according to the individual needs of the patient
    • Complete training program | In addition to listening sessions, Soundsory also includes movement and body coordination exercises to improve motor and cognitive skills
  • Accessibility
    • Need for a professional | Requires participation in sessions led by a certified practitioner, often in a clinically supervised environment
    • Cost and time | May be more expensive and require a larger time commitment than Forbrain , due to guided sessions and program customization

    Forbrain is simpler and more accessible, ideal for self-study exercises and daily language practices at home. - ** Soundsory ** is more structured and complete, with a combination of sound and motor stimuli guided by a professional to improve different cognitive and sensory skills.

    Soundsory is more structured and complete, with a combination of sound and motor stimuli guided by a professional to improve various cognitive and sensory skills.

    The choice between the two depends on individual needs , personal preferences and availability of resources, with Forbrain may be more suitable for those looking for a stand-alone and convenient solution , while Soundsory may be preferred for those looking for a more complete and personalized program below the guidance of a professional.

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