How to plan intelligently
Your Tado° account has a standard "Smart Schedule" already activated. To modify and customize it, access the app screen relating to the room you are interested in and click on the "Smart planning" icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Each room's "Smart Schedule" has two sections: "Home" and "Away."
Configuration of the Home section
On the Home screen, it is possible to divide the daily period into several time intervals and define, for each of them, the desired settings, such as the temperature, in order to satisfy the needs of your routine. Tado° follows the settings defined in the Home section of "Smart Schedule", only when in Home mode.
To define Tado° 's schedule when in Home mode:
Choose the days to which the desired settings apply
There are three options:
- Apply the outlined settings for all days of the week;
- Apply certain settings for weekdays and others for weekends;
- Apply specific settings for each day of the week.
Note: You can outline different settings for each of the three options and switch between them as needed. You can choose, for example, Mon-Fri, Sat, Sun for the cold months (when greater heating activity is required). For the summer months, however, you can choose Mon-Sun, when heating is not necessary.
Add or change settings for each time slot in the schedule
Each day is indicated as a 24-hour period starting at 00:00 and ending at 24:00. The start and end times of the daily slot cannot be changed. The programming for a given day must have at least one time slot. If other time slots are added they must last at least 15 minutes. To add a time slot, click "Add Time Slot", located below each line of time slots. When you add a time slot, you can choose the start and end time. If the time range of the new time slot overlaps with the existing time slots, the app will automatically adjust, or delete the existing time slots accordingly. It is also possible to modify or delete time slots from the programming.
Copy and paste the schedule between rooms
To heat rooms, you can copy and paste "Smart Schedule" settings between rooms by simply doing the following:
- Click on the "Copy/Paste" icon in the upper right corner of the room screen of your choice, next to the gear icon;
- Select one or more rooms for which you would like to copy your programming;
- Confirm your choice.
These actions will replace all existing schedules in the selected rooms with the current room's schedule. Please note that copying and pasting schedules will affect the following:
- Type of programming chosen;
- Existing time slots (temperature, hours, geolocation control) "Away" settings (minimum value for Away temperature and preheat before returning for Auto-Assist users);
- Setting "Early Start".
The copied schedules remain independent of each other. Making changes later to one will not affect the other. It is not possible to copy and paste schedules between rooms with "Smart climate control".
Copy and paste schedules between days
You can copy and paste your "Smart Schedule" settings between days by simply doing the following:
- Press the "Copy" icon in the lower left corner of the day you want to copy the schedule from;
- Press the "Paste" icon on the day you want to paste the schedule.
These actions will replace the existing schedule from the day you pasted with the schedule from the day you copied from. You can copy a day's schedule and paste it into another schedule type (Mon-Sun/Mon-Fri, Sat, Sun, etc.).
You can also copy the schedule for a given day in one room and paste it to another day in another room. You can, however, copy heating schedules only from another room with a heating schedule. The same applies to the cooling and hot water schedules. The "Paste" action is not reversible. Furthermore, the copied programming remains independent of each other. Subsequent modification of one does not affect the others.
Enable or disable geolocation for the time slot
"Geolocalization" is active by default for each time slot. To disable it, click on the time slot and access the "Advanced settings" section.
Configuration of the Away section
Tado° follows the settings defined in the "Away" section of "Smart Planning", only when in Away mode. For rooms dedicated to heating, you can set a minimum value for the Away temperature, the lowest value the internal temperature can reach when tado° is in Away mode.
If "Auto-Assist" is enabled, you can also find this setting in this section: "Preheat before returning". Tado° will automatically determine the ideal Away temperature for you when in Away mode.
You can choose between three available preheat levels: "Eco", "Balanced" or "Comfort". Tado° also identifies the most appropriate time to start heating your home, so as to reach the temperature set in "Smart planning" in time for your return.
If a Home user has manually set Tado° to "Away" or "Home" mode, "Automatic geolocation" and the "Preheat before returning" function will be deactivated. To re-enable "Automatic geolocation" and the "Preheat before returning" function, Tado° must be set to automatic mode again. If the "Preheat before returning" function is set to "OFF", Tado° maintains the minimum "Away" temperature when in Away mode.